This is a blog about my life. Let's see where it goes, shall we?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

One More Day

One more day until spring break, and I'm so excited! All I have to do is get through a boring day of classes. My bio test today went really well, though. Hopefully all my studying will pay off when we get our tests back. I'm kind of anxious to see what I got; I always get nervous when it comes to tests.

The spring dance is also tomorrow, and I'm really excited. I know the guy I like, "Dylan" (not his real name), will be there, and maybe, if I'm lucky, he'll ask me to dance. Or maybe I should ask him... Wow, I'm kind of nervous now. Anyways, now that I've decided to go with a group of friends that aren't being immature, I have everything to look forward to.

On Saturday after the dance, my mom is taking me for a girls-only shopping trip in the city, so I get to go away for a few days, or at least until Sunday evening. Hopefully I can get some shorts for summer! It seems like forever since I've seen green grass. Sure we have this dead brown stuff, but it needs to get some life in it. Today was the first day of Spring too. Maybe that will encourage it to grow...

See ya

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